GBAJABIAMILA: Tinubu's 'Thief Of Staff'; Obi In Bangladesh, Tinubu In America; Cultism Among Youths

GBAJABIAMILA: Tinubu’s ‘Thief Of Staff’; Obi In Bangladesh, Tinubu In America; Cultism Among Youths

…black Sunday in Sagamu as cultists gone mad, killed many, police took control 48hrs later

Terrorists called a senior military officer to warn their soldiers to let them pass and indeed, they were allowed to pass in Northern Nigeria

A U.S legal panel has terminated Gbajabiamole’s law practicing license because of stealing clien’t money. Gbaja was a solicitor in Georgia in the 90s who stole $24,000 of his client and ran to Nigeria. He has refunded the money after becoming an elected rep for Surulere but the betrayal of trust has now cost him his practicing license in the US. He doesn’t need it I believe but yeah, he is now a Thief of Staff to Pablo Escobat

Tinubu is currently in the US for the United Nations General Assembly meeting of heads of states. He is expected to meet other World leaders there and with more lies from Ngalielie, the purpose of the visit would be just PR and noise but yeah, I’ll catch up on some of them.

There is rumor that Gas and petrol prices would go up in the next few weeks and APC egbekegbe have started mouthing Dangote Refinery again. They say it will start half operation in October and will be refining 350,000 barrel of crude oil a day instead of the initial 650,000 daily. October is just 11 days away, we go dey here

Obi was in Bangladesh few days back and his speech at the event he attended is available and Obidients have been swearing for INEC and Yakubu for denying them a Presidential material they voted for. Atiku has file a 35 ground of appeal against the PEPT ruling. Supreme Court is expected to announce the justices that will listen to the appeal. Obi has filed same.

Sagamu, a local government in Ogun State has been under serious violence of young people who have been innitiated into violent cult groups. The last Saturday begun a campaign of terror by these unknown youths. They were practically moving from one house to another, looking for their targets and if by providence they miss him, they would kill every member of the household, including children. They attacked a salon and killed a young boy who was there to have haircut for the school resumtion the next day. The innitial report of those killed was 25 but Police said it is 8 and about 10 of the assailants have been arrested and normalcy returned – unemployment, poor education, cultism and more crimes

#JusticeForMohBAD rally gaining momentum. Ilerioluwa’s remains has been exhumed for autopsy. Naija Marley and his crew goes underground as more revelations appears of their criminal label. Music banned and now NTBB in some radio stations in Nigeria.

Maiyegun General

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