The Holodomor Genocide Question: How Wikipedia Lies to You

A look at whether the Soviet Famine of 1932-33 was an intentional, planned genocide of Ukrainians, & Wikipedia’s presentation of that question.
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00:00 Intro
00:45 On Wikipedia
08:48 The Holodomor Genocide Question
01:24:00 Conclusion

[1] Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media, Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky.
[3] Why wasn’t genocide a crime in Australia?, Shirley Scott.
[4] Towards a Decentred History: The Study of the Holodomor and Ukrainian Historiography, Olga Andriewsky.
[5] Stalin and the Soviet Famine of 1932–33 Revisited, Michael Ellman.
[7] Lemkin on the Ukrainian Genocide, Roman Serbyn.
[8] Bloodlands, Timothy Snyder.
[9] Genocide in International Law, William A. Schabas.
[10] Totally Unofficial Man: The Autobiography of Raphael Lemkin, Raphael Lemkin.
[12] Stalin: Waiting for Hitler, Stephen Kotkin.
[14] The Years of Hunger, Robert Davies & Steven Wheatcroft.
[15] The Harvest of Sorrow, Robert Conquest.
[16] The Turn Away From Economic Explanations for Soviet Famines, Stephen Wheatcroft.
[17] The Complexity of the Kazakh Famine: Food Problems and Faulty Perceptions, Stephen Wheatcroft.
[18] Soviet Man-Made Famine in Ukraine, James E. Mace.
[19] The Left Side of History: The Embattled Pasts of Communism in the Twentieth Century, Ronald Grigor Suny.
[20] Famines, Amartya Sen.
[21] The 1932 Harvest and the Famine of 1933, Mark B. Tauger.
[22] Natural Disaster and Human Action in the Soviet Famine of 1931-1933, Mark B. Tauger.
[23] The Indian Famine Crises of World War II, Mark B. Tauger.
[24] Red Holocaust, Steven Rosefielde.
[26] In Search of a Soviet Holocaust, Jeff Coplon.

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