A Very British Way of Torture | Featured Documentaries

Between 1952 and 1960, Britain fought a vicious war in Kenya against the anticolonial Mau Mau movement. It was an exceptionally bloody conflict, with atrocities committed on both sides. For decades, many of the worst abuses by British colonial forces were kept hidden. Piecing together survivor testimonies and expert analysis from British and Kenyan historians,…… Read More

Inside Kenya's Death Squads | Al Jazeera Investigations

For the first time members of Kenya’s counter-terrorism police admit to “eliminating” suspected Muslim radicals. Speaking exclusively to Al Jazeera’s Investigative Unit, officers from four units of Kenya’s counter-terrorism apparatus admitted the police assassinate suspects on government orders. They claim that the order to assassinate is made by the National Security Council, a body chaired…… Read More