Bangladesh: The ghosts of 1971 – The Listening Post

Subscribe to our channel Subscribe to our channel In 1971, Bangladesh declared independence from Pakistan and fought a bloody war to establish itself as a fledgling nation. More than four decades on, a country born out of troubles and bloodshed is experiencing growing pains. A war crimes tribunal that was meant to bring…… Read More

Bangladesh War 1971: As it happened

The Bangladesh Liberation War, Muktijuddho, also known as the Bangladesh War of Independence, or simply the Liberation War in Bangladesh, was a revolution and armed conflict sparked by the rise of the Bengali nationalist and self-determination movement in East Pakistan… Read More

Why Do Pakistan And Bangladesh Hate Each Other?

» Subscribe to NowThis World: Saudi Arabia’s new king has strong ties to a version of Islam called Wahhabism. ISIS also claims strong ties to Wahhabism. So, what is Wahhabism, and how does it affect this region? Learn More: Study: The Involvement of Salafism/Wahhabism in the support and supply of arms to rebel groups…… Read More