ഇന്ത്യ പാകിസ്ഥാന്‍ വിഭജിച്ച് ബംഗ്ലാദേശ് രൂപീകരിച്ച കഥ |BS CHANDRA MOHAN | MLIFE DAILY |PART 1

Bangladesh War of Independence, or simply the Liberation War in Bangladesh) was a revolution and armed conflict sparked by the rise of the Bengali nationalist and self-determination movement in East Pakistan, which resulted in the independence of Bangladesh. The war began when the Pakistani military junta based in West Pakistan—under the orders of Yahya Khan—launched…… Read More

Bangladesh War 1971: As it happened

The Bangladesh Liberation War, Muktijuddho, also known as the Bangladesh War of Independence, or simply the Liberation War in Bangladesh, was a revolution and armed conflict sparked by the rise of the Bengali nationalist and self-determination movement in East Pakistan… Read More