Around 50 wounded at a South Korea crowd stampede

Casualties were reported in a crowd stampede at a Halloween celebration in Seoul. Al Jazeera’s Mosun Kim reports from Seoul, South Korea. Subscribe to our channel Follow us on Twitter Find us on Facebook Check our website: Check out our Instagram page: @AljazeeraEnglish #Aljazeeraenglish #News #SouthKorea #Crowd #Casualties #Stampede #Wounded… Read More

🇮🇩 Jakarta School Brawl l 101 East

On the streets of Jakarta, Indonesia, hundreds of middle and high school pupils arm themselves with deadly weapons to fight rival gangs from other schools. These brawls can last for hours, leaving blood and bodies in their aftermath. The violence is extreme, but the motivations are muddy. In this episode of 101 East, we talk…… Read More

3 Days that Stopped the World | Al Jazeera Investigations

Mid January, 2020. Two Chinese journalists were sent to Wuhan to investigate a mysterious virus outbreak. This is their account of the three days before Wuhan entered lockdown. The World Health Organization held meetings to decide if the epidemic was a global health emergency. It did not consider it so. When the journalists arrive, locals…… Read More

The Island of Secrets | Al Jazeera Investigations

A remote Mauritian island is being quietly transformed into a military hub for India’s navy. That’s what we found using satellite pictures, shipping data, financial documents, and images from a barely accessible island about 1100 km north of Mauritius. The Island of Secrets also shows how the construction project on Agaléga has the potential to…… Read More

Kerch bridge linking Russia to Crimea damaged in explosion

A key bridge linking the Crimean peninsula with mainland Russia has been partially destroyed in a truck explosion, Russian media reported, putting at risk a key supply route for Russian soldiers fighting in Ukraine. The speaker of Russia’s lower house of parliament, the Duma, called it “an act of war” as the country’s investigative committee…… Read More

The Men Who Sell Football | Al Jazeera Investigations

This documentary reveals how English football clubs can be bought by convicted criminals and become vehicles to launder dirty money. The football dealmakers – who link foreign buyers with British football clubs – tell undercover reporters how they can hide a criminal’s money and identity behind offshore trusts and use “dirty tricks” to deceive the…… Read More

🇱🇾 The Death of Gaddafi | The Big Picture

October 20th 2011, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi is dragged from a drain pipe, tortured and killed. Libya’s self-proclaimed ‘Brother Leader, the one-time revolutionary who overthrew a king and promised a country governed by the people, met his end at the hands of a new generation of revolutionaries, Libyans seeking an end to Gaddafi’s often brutal 42-year…… Read More

Forced to Scam: Cambodia’s Cyber Slaves | 101 East Documentary

Chinese cyber-scam operations are stealing tens of billions of dollars from victims around the world. But few realise that thousands of those perpetrating these frauds are victims too. Young men and women are enslaved, tortured and forced to scam in countries like Cambodia. In an exclusive report, 101 East investigates Chinese cyber-slave syndicates operating in…… Read More

Myanmar: State of Fear – 101 East exposes a secret interrogation centre and claims of torture

Since a military coup in February, a climate of terror has engulfed Myanmar. Disappearances, detention without charge, alleged torture and mysterious deaths are just some of the actions under the spotlight following widespread protests against the military takeover. 101 East uses witness testimony and forensic analysis to expose a secret interrogation centre in the country’s…… Read More

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