This movie revolves around a policeman who is a kind and honorable person. After arresting the henchmen of a notorious crime leader, Kaalishankar Peeli Topiwaley, the crime lord sets out to kill the policeman with the minister. His wife becomes depressed. She is helped by a policeman Ajit Singh, who, after listening to the full story, vows to take revenge on Kaalishankar Peeli Topiwaley, Lala, Don and the minister.
Movie:- Policewala Gunda (1995)
Starcast:- Dharmendra, Reena Roy, Mukesh Khanna, Deepti Naval, Ranjeet, Jay Mehta, Ajit Vachani, Shikha Swaroop, Mohan Joshi
Directed by:- Pappy Verma
Produced by:- Sanjay Sharma
Music by:- Bappi Lahiri
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