Nayyapudai (Strike Hard Evil/Obstacle) is a 2016 Tamil action thriller film directed by Vijay Kiran. The film stars S. A. Chandrasekhar, Pa. Vijay, M. S. Bhaskar and Chandini Tamilarasan in the leading roles. Vellaichamy (S. A. Chandrasekhar) is a retired army professional who lives individually in Chennai and takes care of the children from the impoverished families of the neighborhood. With his brave act he saves a public bus taken hostage by the accomplices of a don who has been arrested for smuggling redstanders.
The old man gives refuge to Vijay (Pa. Vijay) a reporter in a prominent Tamil news channel and (Chandini Tamilarasan), as they have eloped as a couple. Meanwhile Vellaichamy crosses swords with the local don (Rajendran) by wrecking havoc to some of his criminal activities and a corrupt police officer (M. S. Bhaskar) who is loyal to the don.
The rest is how Vellaichamy with the help of Vijay takes on the dreadful don and uses the corrupt police officer for that.
Directed by Vijaya Kiran
Starring S. A. Chandrasekhar
Pa. Vijay
Chandini Tamilarasan