Chasing the Sun to Dhaka – Riding a Giant Launch in Bangladesh

My return to Dhaka by launch was every bit as interesting and pleasurable as my trip to Chandpur had been.

I got a single cabin on the very next launch that was preparing to depart from Chandpur. It left from the dock within five or ten minutes of my getting on board.

The time passed effortlessly as I roamed around the giant launch and took video of all the boats around me on the river. I also set up my phone to take some time lapses – a new thing for me – and they worked out nicely.

We arrived in Dhaka at Sadarghat just as the sun was setting, and I got amazing views of the busy Buriganga River and Sadarghat at dusk. An experience like that doesn’t come around too often in a lifetime, and I tried to soak it all in.

I hope I managed to capture some of the experience on video for you to enjoy with me.

The Cycling Canadian



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Gear List:

Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark I (using just the built-in mic)
Olympus M.Zuiko Digital ED 12mm f/2 Lens
Xiaomi Redmi 4 Prime
Framelapse Android App
All editing done with Windows Movie Maker and Windows Paint. (My poor little computer doesn’t have the power to run anything else.)
Joby Gorillapod

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