In this Bangla Cartoon Songs video brought to us by the beloved YouTube Channel Moople TV, our beloved animated characters the Dhinchak Dinos are enjoying them at a water park along with their little friends. Together, they mess around in the dirt and mud and dirty their clothes as well their face, hands and legs. After indulging in a lot of fun and frolic in the mess, the cartoons Dinos as well as the children decide to clean themselves up with a thorough bath.
To that end, the Dinos jump into the pool that is available at the theme park and start washing while continuing to enjoy themselves in the water. Meanwhile, the kids make their way to their respective washrooms in order to take a shower and clean themselves up completely.
Once inside the washroom, the kids turn the taps so that water spouts out of the shower. Then, they jump under the shower as the water pours down upon them. They lather themselves up with soap and start playing with the soap bubbles.
Outside, the Dinos have also cleaned themselves up with a thorough bath in the pool. Once done with their showers, the kids rub themselves dry with a towel and put on their clothes. They come outside in the sun and comb their hair.
Taking a good bath every day is an indispensable part of living a hygienic life. In order to stay healthy and happy, the children and their cartoon friends make sure to bathe every day without fail. In this video, the kids and their friends emerge out of their homes and pools after cleaning themselves completely and enjoy playing with each other outside in the sun for the rest of the day.
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